
For nature and liberty lovers!

April 9, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — envirolibertarian @ 4:09 pm
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“Rabbits produce manure that is arguably the BEST for the gardeners’ purposes. It is ready for use with absolutely no composting: no building bins, no heavy work turning the piles, no trucking in loads of manure from animals who may be heavily medicated. Just park an old wheelbarrow under the cage if you like, wheel to the garden, and dump. If you want to water houseplants or tender seedlings, make a manure tea using a quart or more of rabbit droppings soaked in five gallons of water. Let it sit for a day or two, stir a few times, then strain the tea into your watering can to avoid clogging with the fine fibers. You can dump the fibrous remainder around your berry bushes or other shrubs as mulch.”

Learn more about raising rabbits!


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